Friday, June 11, 2010

Reading's Like a Box of Chocolates

A good book is like a box of chocolates, a good wine, a best
friAdd Imageend, a video game (if you're into that) and a cute puppy. You don't want to put it down, you are thoroughly enchanted by it. This is a rare occurrence in my world, but a delightful one. I've only read a handful of books in my life that rose to such a status.

*Old Spotty Cow. The first book I read more than once. It was an old, frail, smelly book that I found in the attic and fell in love with. It is literally about an old spotted cow and his days on the farm. What could be better!!? ( I adore cows, we'll come back to that in a further blog)

* Rape a Love Story by Joyce Carol Oats. I picked this out at a local book store on one of my hunts for a summer book. I was far too young to read it, probably 12, but was engulfed from page one. It is written as though the reader is the main character in the story. I don't think I could read it again, being awfully depressing, but it made it onto my list none the less.

* P.S. I Love You by Celia Ahern. I grabbed this at JFK airport right before boarding a flight to Spain. At this moment I would like you to completely delete any opinions you have formed about this story due to that awful Hilary Swank movie. The book was surprisingly well written (I've found her other books to be let downs) and a real tear jerker. I mean come on! A man writes his wife letters on his death bed to help her rebuild her life after he dies!! Does it get any better!?

*Marley and Me by John Grogan. Technically I didn't read it. I listened to it on tape while I was having bouts of insomnia on a trip to France. Beautifully written (or spoken in this case) it was a really touching book. I am also thoroughly obsessed with Dogs so that didn't hurt. But really, for anyone who has had a deep relationship with their dogs it's a must read. And yet again the movie ruined it!! Bleh what a lame movie. It's about the cute dog, not about you Jen Aniston!!

* Davinci Code by Dan Brown. I know, I know-typical. But there's a reason that book has been on the best seller list for the past thousand centuries. It is engulfing to say the least. I don't even like thriller books but I couldn't put it down. I even read Angels and Demons (also amazing) just so I wouldn't have to say goodbye to Robert Langdon. Again the movie totally blew. I pictured Robert Langdon as one of those sexy rugged older men (early forties) with a a hint of softness in his wondrous eyes. I may have had a slight literature crush on him. but TOM HANKS!? Eiw. No thanks.

*A Spot of Bother by Mark Haddon. This book can't be described in less than a forty-five minute conversation. It's brilliant. Sheer brilliance. I was forced against my will to read and report on a book for a writing class. I waited until the last minute (obviously) and was panicked when I found out it was not on Forced to actually read it I fell madly in love with it, to the point that I was hesitant to ever read another book because I didn't think I could ever love one as much.

Today I went to Toadstool Bookstore in Peterborough and bought three new books (one by Dan Brown- Oh how I do miss you Robert Langdon) Bookstores make me giddy, even though I've bought many more books than I've actually read. But luckily my pale skin is in need of some color and those lawn chairs are looking pretty nice, so hopefully soon I'll be adding on to this list.
Let me know you're favorite books!!

1 comment:

  1. my text books!

    the information in um is grand... littelry i spent over a grand or two over the past four years... and i dont sell um' back.

    i truely enjoy their graphs... b.c i dont spell the best and i dont read the best but i can see a 1000 things in one good graph...

    but... i just got a new book ... by michele j fox... i dont remmeber the full tittle but it has to do with something ... like on my way back from the future.
