Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Moodiction:  [Muh-dik-shuhn] -noun

I have an addiction to cows. They are such rustic, beautiful, under rated milk producing creatures. Cow’s are gods gift to man. They give us milk to make cakes with, and to make luscious milkshakes with, and to spoon up cereal with. The possibilities with milk are endless. But aside from the benefits of what comes out of their utters- have you ever looked at a cow?! They’re enormous beasts. And yet so funny looking with their bony butts and huge sloppy noses and cud chewing jaws. They’re tails swat flies like it’s their sole mission in life (which I suppose it is). They’re mouths are constantly chewing. They’re udders hang heavy from their dirty underbellies. Ugh I just want to kiss them. But above all else I adore their spots. Cow spots are messy and fun and imperfect. They’re more like blotches than they are spots. I painted my ceiling with cow spots many years ago and every time I look up I feel happy. Cows make me extremely happy. They seem rather content them selves. Just chilling in the fields swatting flies chewing cud and perusing with their fellow cows.

My love for cows developed from an early age. I’ve watched home movies of myself naming each cow at our local family farm Muscoot. I named them and gave the camera a brief description of what I presumed was their personality and life story. “over there is cupcake. She’s younger than the rest but doesn’t mind because she could beat any other cow at a grass eating contest. Her favorite cereal is lucky charms and she enjoys reading mysteries. Cupcake sleeps only under the stars and never in the barn with the rest .” I may have been stretching it with the lucky charms but I feel a connection to cows. They’re sweet eyes are always smiling at me. As if to say “thanks for the love!”.

Next time you drive by a field of cows give them a big hello from their biggest fan!

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